Creating Your Strategic Plan

Your Profit and Freedom Goals Won't Happen by Chance

You need a plan!

Enter your information to get this Strategic Planning Workshop delivered directly to your inbox. 
Workshop delivered by
Kellye Franklin

Operations and Systems Expert, Business Owner and Consultant
Get this FREE, 3-day Strategic Planning Workshop to help you easily plan for business expansion, stop leaving money on the table, and get the level of freedom you want in your life.

With access to the workshop, you will:
Get clarity on key strategies to help achieve your vision
Work with more ease by leveraging your business's strengths and opportunities
Develop a simple strategic blueprint to achieve your business goals
Create an actionable plan to make your freedom goals a reality
Increase profitability with better insights into your business performance
Without a strategic plan you...

  • Work long hours only to miss your revenue goals again and again
  • Aimlessly shoot for targets not knowing how you'll get there
  • Spend countless days setting and resetting goals
  • Waste money on tools that don't fit your business needs
  • Hire for the wrong skill sets

It's a common challenge for coaches like yourself. You want to grow your business but you don't plan for it.

Somewhere along the way you decided to wing it or...

You're so busy doing everything that you don't set aside the time to be strategic.
I'm sure you'll agree being profitable in your business AND not wearing yourself out in the process is the true goal.
You'll also agree that you just can't do it all!

Not without a strategy and plan.

Over 3 days, I'll walk you step-by-step through the process of creating your annual strategic plan including:

  • Analyzing the current state of your business
  • Identifying the strategic issues you'll need to overcome to achieve your strategy
  • Aligning your long term vision and strategy with your core values and purpose
  • Defining the actions to take right now to reach your near and long term goals
  • Establishing a simple plan that creates more freedom through your business
...and much more!
Creating your business strategy and plan can keep you from making costly detours in your business activities. And from wasting your valuable time doing unnecessary things.

Your strategic plan is THE key to making sure you reach your revenue and freedom goals.

No more missed targets, wasted time, and lost revenue.

It's time to set your goals and implement the strategy to achieving them.
Should you get this workshop?
If you don't have a strategic plan for your business
If you change your business's direction multiple times a year
If you don't know your revenue, sales and launch targets
If you can't figure out what's making you miss your goals
If your business is running you instead of you running your business
If you aren't that good at this strategy and planning stuff

Answered YES to any of the above?

Sign up today.

Meet Your Workshop Leader
Kellye Franklin

The go-to Operations and Systems Expert for female small business owners, Kellye Franklin helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs get their operational houses in order—fast.

Extraordinary at what she does, Kellye’s success portfolio is unmatched. The executive secret weapon of Fortune 100 companies for more than two decades, Kellye is known for blowing strategic objectives out of the water.

The perfect strategic partner for visionary founders and CEOs who are handcuffed to their laptops and phones, Kellye ushers her clients into their next level of growth with the systems and technology they need to scale to their next revenue goal. With her by their side, companies quickly optimize their operations, increase their profitability and love their companies again. 
